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Megan Mechanical Services Ltd – Quality Policy
Megan Mechanical Services Ltd is committed to providing a quality service that meets, and where possible exceeds, the needs and objectives of all our clients.
To meet this commitment, we recognise the importance of involving all levels of the workforce in the development, management and review of the services we provide. In addition, we are committed to ensuring that all employees are competent to fulfil their role in meeting the objective of the this policy.
The provision of a quality service is clearly reliant on good leadership and positive management; it is therefore the responsibility of all levels of management to promote quality in all aspects of Megan Mechanical Services' work.
Senior management are to ensure that the appropriate human, financial and equipment resources are available to ensure that a quality service can be provided.
Objectives, including quality objectives, to be achieved by Megan Mechanical Services are to be reviewed annually. Targets for areas of improvement where identified will be issued to relevant employees and progress monitored.
Gerald Ley
Managing Director
7th January 2020